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 Nov 25, 2021



Just a quick note from us this time.  We had a visit yesterday from our fabulous Oral b rep,  Zoe.  As well as loading us up with toothpaste samples, and trial heads so we can demonstrate tooth brushing in your mouth she supplied us with vouchers for you, our lovely clients. 


 If you are thinking about an electric brush as a present for someone or, indeed, just treating yourself to a new one, now is the time to buy.  These vouchers get you a great price and a choice of free gifts -  a 6-month supply of brush heads or a 6-month oral care kit.   


The brushes on offer are the Oral B Pro 3 (replaces the 200/2500) or the new iO


The Pro 3 is a basic brush, no bells or whistles, simply one button to turn it on, the same button gives a slower speed and another push on this button turns it off.   No app, no gimmicks, a simple but perfect clean. 


The Oral b iO is a departure for them.  After what must be 40 years they have changed how the toothbrush head works. Rather than a metal shank it now operates on magnets. This means the brush is quieter and, more importantly, smoother. For those of you who hated the vibration and the slightly aggressive feel to the brush this is a dream.  


Karenn, Rob and I were fortunate to be given an iO when Oral B was launching them and all of us love them.  My stumbling block with recommending one to clients has been the cost. However these offers are quite good and may make owning one more realistic. 


However I am not saying the Pro 3 will not do a good job. It really just comes down to whether a smoother operating system and an app are what works for you. 


For the website to visit to peruse these offers click here. The really important bit is that you need a unique code to get the free gift. We have cards with these individual codes on them so either call in to collect one or email or text and we will send the code to you.  The phones are very busy these days but if that’s the easiest way for you to contact us give a call.  

 I feel it is important to let you know there is no kick back for us from this.  It is simply something Oral B have offered for practices and loyal clients. Also you will need to peruse the choices firstly and know which brush you want to get, Pro3 or iO, as they have different unique codes. 


Hmmmm.! This has turned into a rather long ‘quick note’. 


Happy shopping


Niamh, Rob and the Gentle Dental team 


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