Mar 13, 2023
100KM (60 miles) in 24 hours. Are we up to the challenge!!
The current, occasional glimpse of Spring with crocus and daffodils, as well as longer hours of daylight is so heart-warming. It almost feels like we can put winter behind and look forward to a (hopefully) balmy summer - thought snow last week was a bit of a shocker!
I may have mentioned over the years that I am an avid Radio 4 listener, yes even the Archers! I am hoping lots of you also listen and have caught up with some of the Michael Mosley ‘Just One Thing’ shows.
If not, I can highly recommend them but especially the one entitled ‘Clean your teeth’.
We all know that cleaning our teeth can prevent tooth decay and gum disease, but many people do not realise that the benefits of a healthy mouth extend to your entire body and its systems.
Healthy teeth and gums can help your heart and your brain, reducing the risk of diseases like dementia and diabetes. When gums are inflamed, bacteria from the mouth can enter the blood stream and get carried around the body which can cause problems in the organs of the body. There are proven links between inflammation in the mouth and an increased risk of complications with diabetes and heart disease as well as links with dementia, bowel cancer and an increased risk of needing intensive care when ill with covid.
This is why Karenn and I continually encourage (please note - not NAG!) you about flossing, interdental brushes etc. We really are looking after your general health and not just your teeth and gums. This episode of Just One Thing, along with all his others are available on the BBC sounds app if you do fancy a listen.
We have had a busy couple of months at Gentle Dental with birthdays. There are 9 team members and 7 of us have birthdays between October and January. I never want to see another birthday cake! We also did our Basic Life support training, and had a training day with Practice Plan.
The practice plan day was all about communication and thoughts on how to create a smooth journey through the practice for clients. As a group we picked up on several things that we felt we could do better and have tweaked systems at work to accommodate these.
As always, we are open to feedback and suggestions so, please feel free to contact us in whatever manner you prefer with your thoughts.
Karenn’s birthday happened to fall on the practice plan training day. Much to her embarrassment we ambushed her with a cake in the lunchbreak (and Rob snuck in tequila shots!) in front of all the course attendees. She did manage to bury her embarrassment long enough to eat cake though - and sink a shot (see the picture above).
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At the beginning of this blog I expounded the joys of the stretch in the daylight hours. However, the longer days and better weather meant we could no longer put off starting our training for what we are calling ‘The Walk’!
You may remember Rob and I committed to ‘100km (60 miles) in 24 hours’ last May and had to cancel as we both got ill. The rejigged September date was cancelled due to the heat and my inability to spend that length of time in the direct sun. (Irish skin and sun are not meant for each other!)
Training started in early February with 20km on the first Saturday and 10km on the Sunday. The stairs at work on Monday morning felt really steep! Several weeks later the Monday morning stairs don't seem so bad anymore. And as they insist on bouncing back home for weekends, we have even dragged our young adults into joining us in the training. No complaints from them, so far!
The ‘Jurassic Coast Ultra Challenge’ was organised last year in aid of Salisbury Hospice Charity and there was a minimum fundraising amount. Rob and I paid this amount personally and we are doing the walk in aid of Hope for Tomorrow – a charity that funds mobile cancer care units. Wiltshire’s unit is called Kayleigh, and she travels to several areas around the county so those undergoing cancer treatment do not have to travel to Southampton daily for their care.
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Our target for fundraising is £2,000 and thanks to your generosity we are already almost 25% there.
One client added quotes to his donation -
"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks" - John Muir.
"When you're going through hell, keep going" - Churchill.
I am sincerely hoping I do not need to call on the second one and can focus on Churchill for the duration.
We will let you know how we do and if you do fancy following our training journey and of course the actual walk, we will be posting on Instagram and Facebook. We might need encouragement so if social media is your thing follow us and have a laugh at our expense. I will also post bits and pieces to the Just Giving page for non-social media folk and of course will let you know in the newsletter how we did on the day.
If you would like to make a donation to Hope For Tomorrow you can do this through our Just Giving page or there is a collection box at the desk when you attend the practice if you prefer.
Part of my role in running Gentle Dental is to ensure that neither Rob nor Karenn get an opportunity to sit and twiddle their thumbs. The nature of the way we work means we complete the necessary work for clients when they first start with us, assist them in getting their dental health to a good standard and after that it is maintenance. Therefore in order to make sure I keep them busy, we are actively seeking new clients.
Feel free, if it is appropriate, to recommend us to friends, family work colleagues etc. Make sure you ask them to mention your name when they register as we make a £10 donation to charity for every new client who attends following personal recommendation.
Last year we supported Hope for Tomorrow and have decided to continue with them this year as we are supporting them with ‘The Walk’. However, we have worked out the donation based on personal recommendation between February 1st 2022 and 31st January 2023.
100 clients registered with us on a personal recommendation during that period so that is an extra £1000 donation from Gentle Dental to for Hope for Tomorrow.
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in us.
Finally just to let you now you can now communicate with us through Whatsapp, if this is your preferred method of communication. Currently you can access this through the Whatsapp button on our Facebook and Instagram. We are also very happy for you to message us through Facebook messenger and Instagram messaging. The reception team monitor these through the day.
We look forward to seeing you all in the coming months.
Kind regards
Niamh, Rob and the Gentle dental team